Now that Major General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) has been chosen by the
Nigerian people, it is my duty as a patriotic Nigerian to help him
succeed even though my candidate was President Goodluck Jonathan, a man
to whom I will always be loyal and appreciative.
General Buhari
is about to mount the saddle and I for one am in a very good position to
tell him some home truths because as a senator-elect, I have a very
fulfilling job awaiting me and I do not need a job or favours from
Buhari so I do not have to play nice.
Looking at the
personalities he has appointed to his transition council, I am wont to
believe that General Buhari needs to expand his circle of friends and
As a military strategist, the president-elect must be
familiar with the principle that the people you use in subduing an
opponent are not necessarily the same persons you will need in
rebuilding the territories you took. I may be using military terms, but I
am sure General Buhari is aware that politics is war by other means and
therefore many of the rules of war and peace apply to politics.
The General will be best served if he thinks of what is best for Nigeria
rather than what is best for his party, the All Progressive Congress
(APC), and its chieftains.
He must remember that in Nigeria’s
subjective politics, it was his person that the people voted for not his
party and he should therefore serve the people the dish they are
angling for.
And what are the expectations of Nigerians from General Buhari? Definitely not business as usual.
The president-elect ran on a promise of change and while that change
was not really defined by its chanters, Nigerians defined it as a change
in their situation.
To borrow from the famously potent prayers
of Mountain of Fire and Miracle members, the Nigerian masses defined
change as a situation where wealth and power must change hands from the
elite to the masses by fire by force and they see General Buhari as the
enforcer angel that will bring about this change.
With this type of expectation, Buhari’s honeymoon period with Nigerians
will not last very long if he does not take drastic steps to adjust
Nigeria’s economy to the realities of falling oil prices and a dearth of
buyers for the Bonny Light Sweet Crude.
To put things into
perspective, when the United States started buying less and less of
Nigeria’s oil, we looked to China as an alternative buyer of oil but it
has since come to light that whereas America spent $101 billion on clean
energy between 2012-13, China spent $125 billion within the same time
The above data should alert Nigeria and other nations that
look to China for oil markets to the fact that China is even ahead of
the West in the search for alternative to fossil fuels as a source of
Buhari may wish he did not win the 2015 elections when the reality of our economic situation sets in.
In his December 2014 Channels Television interview, Buhari said he was
going to “stabilise the oil market”. The General will learn soon enough
that today’s oil market is a buyers’ market.
And the General’s
choices are limited because he cannot (unless he is extraordinarily
brave and politically callous) do the obvious and sack civil servants.
Yes, he will eventually have to reduce the over bloated federal civil
service, but before he can do that, he has to build up political capital
by reducing the overhead of the Executive and persuade the Legislature
to follow suit.
Austerity measures must start from Aso Rock. This
means that luxurious multi car convoys must be reduced. The
presidential air fleet has to go, by way of being auctioned off or sold
to local airlines. Estacode allowances must be slashed and the
president’s entourages should be lean while non-essential foreign
travels should be banned.
The president-elect should not
underestimate the big difference these small changes can make and their
capacity to buy him enough credibility with the labour unions, the kind
of credibility that will see them accepting cuts in the federal
workforce and reduction in pay and entitlements.
A small change
like flying commercial instead of by private jet saved Britain a
whopping £200,000 when the thrifty British Prime Minister, David
Cameron, flew to America to meet President Barack Obama on a regular BA
Nigeria is in for very desperate times if we do not
tighten our belts while our major foreign exchange earner is facing
global challenges.
Russia, a nation that many will say is more
prepared than Nigeria for the shocks occasioned by the drop in the price
of oil devalued its currency by 11 per cent in just one day.
While Russia is taking these steps, the world is watching to see if
Nigeria will continue to spend hundreds of billions annually sponsoring
its elite on pilgrimages to Mecca and Jerusalem.
I mean, no
economist will get why a nation with over 60 per cent of its people
living in poverty at the best of times, will spend almost 1 per cent of
its annual budget sponsoring pilgrimages for its elite who can afford to
go to the Holy Land on their own dime.
I for one do not get it. A
pilgrimage is meant to be a sacrifice of a believer. How is a
pilgrimage still a sacrifice when someone pays for you to go? The
Nigerian government is sending people on holidays not pilgrimages!
I daresay that the money being spent by the Nigerian government to
airlift pilgrims to both Holy Lands is enough to educate all the
almajiri in Northern Nigeria. Wouldn’t God and humanity be better served
if we looked after the less privileged in our midst?
General Buhari
has his work cut out for him and he does not have time to be bitter
about who said what, when and where. He must let go of any desire to pay
any of his traducers back whether they be from the last 16 years or as
far back as 1985.
Four years is only enough time to fix Nigeria.
Any time spent on other ventures is time taken from this most important
of assignments.
And let me say that General Buhari should not allow
himself to be pigeon holed by people who dangle ideologies instead of
realities. Yes, the APC may have styled itself as a progressive party,
which in itself is a contradiction because Buhari is a conservative, but
Buhari should not bother about that.
Whether the philosophy is
progressive or conservative or liberal or free market, he should go with
what works because as Deng Xiaoping once noted: “It doesn’t matter
whether a cat is black or white, if it catches mice it is a good cat.”
And it is fitting for me to end with a mention of Xiaoping. No other
contemporary world leader, in my opinion, closely mirrors Buhari as does
In 1966, Xiaoping was dethroned from his powerful
party positions by loyalists of Chairman Mao as was Buhari in 1985 by
loyalists of his Chief of Army staff.
Xiaoping suffered house
arrest, loss of earned privileges and was consigned to political limbo
for almost a decade as was Buhari.
But then Xiaoping bounced back
into favour and became China’s leader in 1976 and thereafter jettisoned
his life long belief in Mao’s Cultural Revolution and introduced the
“one country, two systems” policy that allowed communism and capitalism
to coexist in China. This is similar to Buhari’s conversion from an
anti-democrat who believed power flowed from the barrel of a gun to a
democrat who accepted democracy as the best form of governance and
capitalism as the natural economic policy of a democracy.
this is where Buhari has to learn from Xiaoping. Xiaoping refused to
demonise Chairman Mao, his predecessor who had purged him from power and
placed him under house arrest after stripping him off his privileges.
Instead of bitterness, Xiaoping believed that Mao’s “accomplishments
must be considered before his mistakes”.
This is how Buhari must
treat his predecessors. He must not demonise everything that was done by
previous administrations and mark those who served in those government
as persona non grata. He must take the bitter with the sweet and make
use of the best brains Nigeria has to offer, for as he said on December
31st, 1983, “This generation of Nigerians and indeed future generations
have no other country than Nigeria”.